Saturday, August 14, 2010

Personal Appearance (& Warning)

We'll be here later. If you spot us, do not approach. We can be dangerous!

UPDATE (1605 PDT): Wandering the webs when we encountered a photo essay of/babble on where we'll be taking a cigarette break during our expedition.
Yes, near the fountain. DO NOT ASK US FOR A CIGARETTE, EITHER!!!


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Waht the He||?

I've always associated Onion Station with Warshington, D.C.

You about to drop off the planet into the Pacific-ownians think what you want.

M. Bouffant said...

Drop-Out & Off Editor Advises:

They're everywhere, but ours is the newest. (Still excited about the Golden Spike & so on out here.)