Friday, August 20, 2010

Born Under A Bad Sign

Franklin Graham explains it all for you on CNN, via TPM:
"I think the president's problem is that he was born a Muslim, his father was a Muslim. The seed of Islam is passed through the father like the seed of Judaism is passed through the mother. He was born a Muslim, his father gave him an Islamic name."
We're sure the President appreciates the cogent advice concerning his problem. (Just one?) If we all put our heads together & think very, very hard, we may figure out Graham's problem. First we'll have to understand all of it (Our emphases.):
"Now it's obvious that the president has renounced the prophet Mohammed and he has renounced Islam and he has accepted Jesus Christ. That's what he says he has done, I cannot say that he hasn't. So I just have to believe that the president is what he has said."
Did he just not-say what we think he did? Hold onto your hats, maybe even get the flotation devices ready, there's more.
Graham further explained: "The confusion is, is because his father was a Muslim, he was born a Muslim. The Islamic world sees the president as one of theirs. That's why Gaddafi calls him 'my son.' They see him as a Muslim. But of course the President says he is a Christian, and we just have to accept it as that."

King noted that Graham and his father have met Obama, and prayed with him. With this context, King asked, does Graham believe Obama when he says he is a Christian?

"Well, you know, you can be born a Muslim, you can be born a Jew, but you can't be born a Christian," said Graham. "The only way you can become a Christian is by confessing your sins to God, asking his forgiveness, and by receiving Jesus Christ by faith into your heart, that Christ died for your sins, shed his blood on Calvary's Cross, and that God raised him to life. If you're willing to accept that and believe that, and let Jesus Christ be the lord of your life, God will forgive your sins, he will heal your heart, and that's the only way you can become a Christian. And so if the President has done that, then I would say he's a Christian, if that's what he has done."
There he goes again.

So, Taitz-style geographic birtherism having been back-burnered for the moment (Until 2012; expect many a state to have passed Presidential show-us-your-papers laws by then.) we're now to be subjected to religio-birtherism? Much better: You just try to prove what's in the Presidential heart.

And now that we know one "can be born" a Jew or a Musselman, that whole free will thing the eggheads have been struggling w/ has cleared right up. At least as far as Christians. Too bad for other, pre-destined suckers. (May we add, not nearly enough is being done to irk & alienate Hindus. There are hundreds & hundreds of millions of them, they're swarthy, & were the usual suspects to piss them off enough that a few of them looked at these United Snakes sideways, there'd be wonderful opportunities for Graham to practice his disaster Christianity on them after the smoke cleared.)

Also, please do not piss on our leg & tell us there are no racial (Putting it mildly.) aspects to all this.
The seed of Islam is passed through the father like the seed of Judaism is passed through the mother.
Is Graham getting this from the New Revised Klan version of the good book? (Always loved that one: ALL OTHER BOOKS ARE BAD!)

Telebision, however, is good.
Here too.


Substance McGravitas said...

The seed of Islam is passed through the father


M. Bouffant said...

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In one end, passes through the other ...