Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Misery Loves Suffering

Hey, maybe we can have a triple-dip recession, as M&A activity increases, more & more people who work for a living are thrown out of work by corporate entity consolidation, consumer demand falls even more, the economy spirals to the bottom, & so on. Sweeee-eeet.

As an editor/publisher/typist on a fixed income, we can state w/o reservation that we favor deflation that will knock the fucking socks off slobs who work for a living. Some of you fuckers out there lucky enough to have a job (as of this typing) may not see another raise in your wage-slaving lifetimes.

[Cue evil laugh. (We really gotta record that, to add to the schadenfreude.)]

1 comment:

Cirze said...

Now there's a cheerer-upper.

Keep the faith, baby!


This is my work verification?


Yeah. Right!