Sunday, November 16, 2008


The WaPo's Chris Cillizza exposes five election result myths. We're sure our incredibly sophisticated audience needs no reminder of what happened (nor indication of what will happen) but in case any one's getting carried away, let us pop your balloon.
1. The Republican Party suffered a death blow. 2. A wave of black voters and young people was the key to Obama's victory. 3. Now that they control the White House and Congress, Democrats will usher in a new progressive era. 4. A Republican candidate could have won the presidency this year. 5. McCain made a huge mistake in picking Sarah Palin.


Larry Harmon said...

I still think that McCain made a huge mistake picking Mme. Moosekiller.

M. Bouffant said...

Self-Pronounced Political Expert Says:

We're thinkin' that she helped him w/ the hideous creatures of the "base" (in Arabic, that translates as "Al-Qaeda," y'know) but wasn't much help w/ un-real Americans. McCain probably would have lost by more w/o her. Or not.