Saturday, October 18, 2008

Let's Have A Fucking War Then, Crackers!

Cheers to a Tommy Christopher (Birth name? We doubt it.) at something called AOLNews (?) who has made available (w/ video of the poor man's pitbull avec lipstick, Rep. Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachman) two statements on a subject dear to our heart: Anti-AmeriKKKanism. Is it our imagination, or do the Republicans prefer to have women make these bizarre sorts of charges? We'll give you Mme. Gov. Mooseburgers paraphrase right here, saving your aging fingers & tiring keyboards.
Palin also made a point of mentioning that she loved to visit the "pro-America" areas of the country, of which North Carolina is one. No word on which states she views as unpatriotic.
Amplification from the pool reporter who filed the story is here. The "tell" here is the Palin spokesmodel trying to weasel her way out of it:
In an e-mail, Palin spokeswoman Tracey Schmitt emphasized that the Alaska governor was not insulting D.C., she was merely highlighting the virtues of far-flung cities and towns across the nation. "She was reinforcing the message that the best of our America isn't confined to our nation's capitol," Schmitt wrote.
Uh, Tracey, "our America?" Isn't that what you're supposed to try to avoid? Because let us just tell you, you gap-toothed cousin-fuckers, you can keep your "AmeriKKKa." The dry dusty plains, abandoned factories & decaying swamps are all yours, real AmeriKKKans. And if you two-bit punks want to fight us for any of our land, that's just fine, 'cause we'll squash every last one of you between the Armies of each Coast & Chicago that will roll you bitter cracker gun-worshippers up into one ugly pile somewhere in Kansas. You want another Civil War, War Between the States, War of Northern Aggression, whatever you want to call it, we're ready to roll any time. Any time at all. Anything to get you to shut your yaps once & for all. What w/ our elitist educations & so on, it'll be a slam-dunk. Seriously. Let's take it outside & have a war about this, loudmouths.

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