Tuesday, September 4, 2012

"Bipartisan Centrist Approaches:"
Are You Fucking Kidding Us?

Bonus Quote of the Day

"Republican voters, if you ask them about my particular policy positions, often agree with me. So there's a difference between Republicans in Washington and Republican and Republican-leaning voters around the country. I think that after this election, we'll be in a position to once again reach out to Republicans and say that the American people have rendered a judgment, and the positions we're taking are well within what used to be considered bipartisan centrist approaches."

-- President Obama, in an interview with Parade, on how he'll be able to work with Republicans after the election.
Here we go again. Has he learned nothing? Maybe he isn't so smart.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

WHO isn't that smart?

Bill Clinton was a poor boy who grew up and became President. He earned over $75 million in speaking fees over the last decade as a reward for selling out the Democratic base to big corporations.

Isn't Obama following that very same career path? Aren't we all being told we must vote him in for a 2nd term, because "lesser evil"?

Has any Democratic President ever teed up social safety net programs like Medicare and Social Security for a beating like our President Obama has?

Yeah, I'm full of questions.

Substance McGravitas said...

I think that after this election, we'll be in a position to once again

I too am pretty confident in Mitt's status as loser, but you know. Things suck.