Saturday, April 7, 2012

Gidget Christ

Our friend & sexual associate informed us that while she lived under her mother's thumb there was no levity, amusement or even radio listening allowed in the Friend&Associate household on Good Fri. & whatever the RCC calls this Sat. between Good Fri. & Easter Sunday, & not just because shut up that's why but because while Jesus was away the devil Satan Lucifer yadda was loose on the earth so watch out.

(Wasn't ol' Hay-soos supposed to have visited Hell during his unexplained absence/"death?" Or is that not-in-the-official-book folk lore, as if it makes any difference whether or not any of it occurred in anything resembling this universe.)


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Did somebody just say, "Highway to Hell?"

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

(Wasn't ol' Hay-soos supposed to have visited Hell during his unexplained absence/"death?" Or is that not-in-the-official-book folk lore, as if it makes any difference whether or not any of it occurred in anything resembling this universe.)

That would be the Harrowing of Hell. It's orthodoxy is apparently somewhat controversial.

Substance McGravitas said...

apparently somewhat controversial.

Outsourcing my comment to a third party.

M. Bouffant said...

Easter Editor:
Did somebody just say, "Highway to Hell?"

J.C. turned Harrow into Hell?

We do not support a more than two-party a day system.