Thursday, September 8, 2011

Behind The Money

Here's the financial scoop on Bill "Marathon" Burke who wants to use Chinese moolah to leverage a purchase of the L.A. Dodgers. (By request. Happy now?) Found here.
Bill Burke 2011 Financial DisclosureNote that whoever filled it out can't spell ExxonMobil (Schedule A-1, p.2). Jee-ziz!


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

And I made a post.

2:30 AM!?!? I be wrecked tomorrow.

Unknown said...

From your link:With a majority of the money coming from ”certain state-owned investment institutions of the People’s Republic of China,” this offer appears to be more of a dream than reality. Fuckity Fuck...he is almost as bad as McCourt ain't he?

So much for that offer. shit.

THank's sweetie for finding it..I used to get Fishbowl LA's daily email. Dunno why it stopped.

M. Bouffant said...

All-American Editor:

Not sure how "bad" he is, but his offer doesn't work for us.

Too bad we don't have veto power. Or hundreds of millions.