Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Powerful Idea

Our currently fondest dream, inspired mere moments ago, is that the very next time thought leaders or business leaders or art leaders or whatever the fuck-tuck-tucking hell they consider themselves gather in some shit-hole like Aspen, Davos or (actual shit-hole) Long Beach to pat themselves on the back for being rich, white & oh-so-clever
Yes, we hope (No praying, 'though.) for these people to die.
that there is a terrorist incident & every last one of these people (& all their toadies & flunkies) dies in the counter-attack by gov't. forces. Or that the auditorium burns to the ground w/o survivors. At the least, someone could shout "Fire!" & hope they panic.

Because these people are not part of any solutions, they are part of the problems, & many of them are directly responsible for the problems.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Shrill M.B. is shrill.

M. Bouffant said...

Not Nasal, 'Though Editor Demands:

Where's the Pulitzer in Shrillness, then?