Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Retarded Republican Runs

Not to offend anyone, but is this Republican just a bit "slower" than even most Rs?


Whale Chowder said...

'bout par, if you ask me.

M. Bouffant said...

Above-Average Editor Answers:

Or below par. At least he'll get rid of those fringed flags.

Anonymous said...

As the mom of a child with special needs I wonder why you think it's okay to mock people based on their IQ. Seems to me that if someone is stupid, call them that. You don't need to stoop to a level that makes it okay to make a mockery out of someone else's life. Go pick on someone your own size and lose the word retarded.

M. Bouffant said...

We Typed "Not to offend anyone" Editor Answers:

We mocked that sad bastard mostly based on the fact that he speaks.



Which is the definition of "retarded." You know, slow, or late developing.

We did not, & would not, call him (or anyone else) a "retard" for example. We typed that he might be retarded.

Besides, if the currently correct phrase is "special needs," we didn't apply that term to him.

If anyone is "making a mockery out of someone else's life"(?) it's Mr. Marceaux making himself available for mockery.