Thursday, July 15, 2010

A Very Serious Argument
From A Very Stupid Person

R. Emmet Tyrell, Junior, has an item in the rag he edits defending fox hunting as an essential liberty.
The English-Speaking people love liberty. I thought of this the other day when I read a piece in theWashington Post about the revival of fox hunting in Britain and the desire to legalize it once again. Ian Farquhar, an English hunter, leads the piece by saying that when the 2004 ban on fox hunting went into effect, "I felt -- we all felt -- they were spitefully taking away the very essence of our liberty."
And they were so "spiteful"! Feelings were hurt. (Not to mention foxes.)

Whine louder, R. Emmet. They can't hear you in English-Speaking Oz.


J— said...

Did you read the Post article he mentions? Now they don't hunt foxes, they track fox pee. And if pee trail happens to lead to foxes, oh well, those dogs are hard to control.

I hope they do bring it to a vote and lose.

M. Bouffant said...

Sensitive Editor Admits:

Didn't even read all of RET,Jr.'s piece. We are weak, especially when this sort of thing confronts us before breakfast.

Indeed, what little we read forced us into the shower.

English-Speaking people: Aggghh!!