Sunday, July 25, 2010

Monster Chiller Horror Theatre

Hot off the electrons from BTC News:
Regarding Cheney:
The pump runs something like a drill bit, continuously rotating at 9,000 rotations per minute rather than squeezing and releasing, so Cheney now officially has no pulse, according to Dr. Stuart D. Russell, chief of heart failure and transplantation at Johns Hopkins’ Comprehensive Transplant Center.
But we knew that.
[Lurch-style "uhmmnnn" of disgust.] Literal hair crawling up the back of the neck there.

We suspect the Cheneys are proud of this.


Ivan G Shreve Jr said...

[Lurch-style "uhmmnnn" of disgust.] Literal hair crawling up the back of the neck there.

Thanks. I just wet myself laughing at this.

Smut Clyde said...

Your hair? Something else's? Inquiring minds would like to know.

M. Bouffant said...

Likes His Hair But It's No Big Deal Editor Types:

We imagine the Cheney family is very proud that their patriarch has neither a pulse nor any other human attributes.