Thursday, July 15, 2010

Morbidity Report

Doesn't seem terribly likely we're going to outlive oil.
[W]e're going to have to deal with alternative technologies on that time scale no matter what—many projections indicate we're going to be out of oil within 60 years (usable coal will last a century and a half longer, give or take).
And we wouldn't want to outlive coal.


Hamish Mack said...

Imagine if we outlived coal and people could see Christchurch?

M. Bouffant said...

Eco-Ed. Asks:

Are you running out of trees?

L.A. gets inversion layers, but the editor has never seen anything like that in 35-odd yrs.

Nice mts. though. Ours wouldn't be visible over the layer.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

The species is just sitting on its collective ass, waiting for the money to run out.

Problem is, we're not leaving any startup capital for the next species (intelligent rats or cockroaches, most likely) to be able to start a technological society.

Poor dinosaurs, if the asteroid hadn't iced them, they might have done a better job.