Monday, November 9, 2009

Not to Worry, America

Every little thing's gonna be alright for the people & corporations that matter: Investors & multi-nationals. Work for a living? Well, non-investing sucker, stop thinking of yourself as a consumer: You'll be lucky if you can afford to consume food. All dependent on whether or not an investor decides he needs you to "produce" for him.
The rising U.S. stock market and a weak, slow-growing U.S. consumer sector aren't really in contradiction. Given the large-scale trends transforming the global economy—and the role of large U.S. companies in it—it may be possible to have a sustainable rally in American stocks without a sustainable rally by American consumers.
Yay, AmeriKKKa!
 But growth has resumed, and in some places—Peru, China, India—it never stopped. As a result, the globe's economic geography has continued to change, with the United States accounting for a smaller chunk of global output and demand each year. For much of the past two years, virtually all growth in economic activity has taken place outside America's borders.
Cf. The party's over, suckers. Capitalism done used you up & th'owed you away. Now it's on to the new kids on the block, w/o so much as a "Thanks for the good time, sailor," & you're sitting there on the curb, wallet empty, hungover, w/ a powerful new strain of the clap percolating in your naughty parts. (Though some might say you'd have to have had syphillis or some such percolating in your naughtiest part to even consider taking up w/ that whore Capitalism & her pimps.)

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