Friday, September 29, 2023

Friday Night Poetry

Trump rips Nikki Haley after debate: ‘birdbrain’

Thanks to our close iNternet acquaintances at Hackwhackers for spotting this at The Hill & jogging our memory.
Birdbrain runs the World! Birdbrain is the ultimate product of Capitalism Birdbrain chief bureaucrat of Russia, yawning, Birdbrain ran FBI 30 years appointed by F. D. Roosevelt and never chased Cosa Nostra! Birdbrain apportions wheat to be burned, keep prices up on the world market! Birdbrain lends money to Developing Nation police-states thru the International Monetary Fund! Birdbrain never gets laid on his own he depends on his office to pimp for him Birdbrain offers brain transplants in Switzerland Birdbrain wakes up in middle of night and arranges his sheets I am Birdbrain! I rule Russia Yugoslavia England Poland Argentina United States El Salvador Birdbrain multiples in China! Birdbrain inhabits Stalin's corpse inside the Kremlin wall Birdbrain dictates petrochemical agriculture in African desert regions! Birdbrain lowers North California's water table sucking it up for Orange County Agribusiness Banks Birdbrain harpoons whales and chews blubber in the tropics Birdbrain clubs baby harp seals and wears their coats to Paris Birdbrain runs the Pentagon his brother runs the CIA, Fatass Bucks! Birdbrain writes and edits Time Newsweek Wall Street Journal Pravda Izvestia Birdbrain is Pope, Premier, President, Commissar, Chairman, Senator! Birdbrain voted Reagan President of the United States! Birdbrain prepares Wonder Bread with refined white flour! Birdbrain sold slaves, sugar, tobacco, alcohol Birdbrain conquered the New World and murdered mushroom god Xochopili on Popocatepetl! Birdbrain was President when a thousand mysterious students were machinegunned at Tlatelulco Birdbrain sent 20,000,000 intellectuals and Jews to Siberia, 15,000,000 never got back to the Stray Dog Café Birdbrain wore a mustache & ran Germany on Amphetamines the last year of World War II Birdbrain conceived the Final Solution to the Jewish Problem in Europe Birdbrain carried it out in Gas Chambers Birdbrain borrowed Lucky Luciano the Mafia from jail to secure Sicily for U.S. Birdbrain against the Reds Birdbrain manufactured guns in the Holy Land and sold them to white goyim in South Birdbrain supplied helicopters to Central America generals, killed a lot of restless Indians, encouragegda favorable business climate Birdbrain began a war of terror against Israeli Jews Birdbrain sent out Zionist planes to shoot Palestinian huts outside Beirut Birdbrain outlawed Opiates on the world market Birdbrain formed the Black Market in Opium Birdbrain's father shot skag in hallways of the lower East Side Birdbrain organized Operation Condor to spray poison fumes on the marijuana fields of Sonora Birdbrain got sick in Harvard Square from smoking Mexican grass Birdbrain arrived in Europe to Conquer cockroaches with Propaganda Birdbrain became a great International Poet and went around the world praising the Glories of Birdbrain I declare Birdbrain to be victor in the Poetry Contest He built the World Trade Center on New York Harbor waters without regard where the toilets emptied— Birdbrain began chopping down the Amazon Rainforest to build a woodpulp factory on the river bank Birdbrain in Iraq attacked Birdbrain in Iran Birdbrain in Belfast throws bombs at his mother's ass Birdbrain wrote Das Kapital ! authored the Bible ! penned The Wealth of Nations ! Birdbrain's humanity, he built the Rainbow Room on top of Rockefeller Center so we could dance He invented the Theory of Relativity so Rockwell Corporation could make Neutron Bombs at Rocky Flats in Colorado Birdbrain's going to see how long he can go without coming Birdbrain thinks his dong will grow big that way Birdbrain sees a new Spy in the Market Platz in Dubrovnik outside the Eyeglass Hotel— Birdbrain wants to suck your cock in Europe, he takes life very seriously, brokenhearted you won't cooperate— Birdbrain goes to heavy duty Communist Countries so he can get KGB girlfriends while the sky thunders— Birdbrain realized he was Buddha by meditating Birdbrain's afraid he's going to blow up the planet so he wrote this poem to be immortal—

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