Friday, September 15, 2023

As I Said, Scared Monkeys* W/ Guns

Justine McDaniel / Washington Post:
Man helping deer cross a busy street shot, killed by ‘scared’ driver  —  A man who was trying to slow traffic in his neighborhood because deer were crossing the street was shot and killed by another man who was driving past, authorities in western Washington state said. 

"Warning Shot"

Picard told police he was "scared" when Spaeth appeared to yell at a Jeep that slowed down in front of him, so he reached for the loaded gun he kept in his car and opened fire through the open passenger window when Spaeth's wife appeared to reach into a bag.

Police said that body camera footage from witness interviews don't show any evidence that she had a bag, and Picard admitted he could have just driven around the couple instead of shooting his gun.

American way/Try to explain/Scab of a nation/Driven insane/Don't cry/Gotta go bye bye/Suddenly: die die

*I said you should kill yourselves, not the other monkeys.

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