Sunday, December 25, 2022

Merry Xmas To Me!

Better Late Than Never, But Never Better Late

The effing Round-Up has, at last, posted. After this reporter's patience grew thin enough (waited ten hrs.) to inquire. Being treated like the proverbial red-headed stepchild by those crooked bastards. Not enough they don't pay me, but they insult me as well.

And now, the Google crooks censor FEAR's "Fuck Christmas", which is the only possible song for this item.Tell you what, you rat bastard techbois; I'll fucking decide what the fuck is embedded on this site, & you go back to fucking your mothers. Seriously, what is the point of making a video semi-available? "You can look, just not here."
P.S.: Age-restriction? How deluded are they?

Also for this reporter's Xmas: Termite migration through the galley.
I hope this fucking dump collapses & kills everyone in it while I'm out someday. Someday soon.
69 fucking yrs. in this world of shit & pain, & this sums it all up:
Good thing I'm so fucking dead inside I can't get angry enough to do anything.

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