Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Spot The Loony Dep't.

Religion Is A Mental Illness

According to West, the dream involved a stairway to Heaven made up of living multicolored stones on which the word “TRUMP” appeared in gold, “in ascending order, starting from the bottom of the stairway—touching the nations—to the highest of heights in heavenly places.” As West tells it, each letter of Trump’s name appeared with a corresponding word: Truth, Righteousness, Unity, Mercy, and Peace.

The dream involved visions of a rotting oak tree, a healing rainbow-colored whirlwind emerging from a door in the tree, a great eagle, a snake-devouring owl, the roar of a lion, the face of a lamb, and a “snow white dove” appearing “within the fiery orange winds of the mighty whirlwind,” West said.

In her interpretation of the dream, West wrote that she believes “it speaks to what God is now building and establishing in and through His Ekklesia”—a term used by Pentecostal dominionists to refer to the church as an assembly with governing authority on Earth.

[Right Wing Weirdo Watch]

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