Saturday, August 22, 2020


Half the fucking juice in the shithole bldg. in which this reporter is trapped went out yesterday. (Rumor is a burned-out transformer.) Meaning besides having to run wires over the deck from the outlets that were still working so the frozen slop in the fridge wouldn't thaw & I could still sit between two fans (Temperature hasn't dipped below 84°F inside for even more days & days now, by the fucking way. I am really going to fucking stab as many people as I can.) there was neither iNternet nor hot water. Everything but hot water is now restored; bet the boiler won't be re-fired until Monday.

No, won't be making that bet: W/in five minutes of typing the previous sentence hot water was back. Expect the worst, because you'll usually get it. This exception merely proves the rule.

That nonetheless gets us out on a positive note. Maybe even for the bigger picture.