Not that there is any sympathy here for the religious dingbat hostage-takers of the Islamic Republic. Pharoah, let our people go, then we'll talk.DW.COM:
Iran faces catastrophic death toll from coronavirus — Beyond China and Italy, Iran has been hardest hit by COVID-19 — but it could get a whole lot worse, thanks to a lack of international aid, government mismanagement and nobody knowing quite who's in charge. [Where have we heard that before? — M.B.]
David Gilbert / VICE: 3.5 Million Iranians Could Die From Coronavirus If The Outbreak Is Not Controlled
Reuters: U.S. sanctions Iran, seeks release of Americans amid coronavirus outbreak
Patrick Wintour / The Guardian: UK presses US to ease Iran sanctions to help fight coronavirus
Editorial Honesty: Face it, on a rock swirling in cold empty space that is infested by over seven billion (w/ a "b") allegedly sapient beings, a few million are not a drop in the (proverbial) bucket, they are a single H2O molecule
in a five-gallon bucket.
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