Spinal Tap - "Gimme Some Money"
Another fucking pinterest acc't. You figure it out. (As if you care.) |
That includes such as Jurassic Pork, although I haven't seen one of his pathetic beggings-for-alms/scams (Remember those?) for some time, but he can just go fuck his tiresome self on general principles.
As should, it appears, everyone else, including public radio stations. Is October the official Whore Month for Non-Profit Radio?
Don't tell me that the University of Spoiled Children can't fund "Classical KUSC" w/o begging. I worked there in 1973 & wasn't paid one damn cent, so you know the money isn't going to salaries. Unless it all goes to management salaries. I rather doubt the station manager is living on ramen for the rest of the month.🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
No blegging on his current front page or for a while now. Why don’t you devote yourself to an expose of how Lance Mannon doesn’t look like the little guy with a cup of coffee on his front page?
Righteous Anger Editor:
I'm sick & tired of reading middle-aged, middle-class pigs who have jobs & houses begging for money so their web-log won't have blogspot, typepad or wordpress in its URL, (Quote: "That’s not a sustainable model because I’m not a wealthy guy who can just plow his mortgage money into a website." "Mortgage money". Jesus Fucking Christ.) while I'm facing the grim fucking reality that my Social Security, Social Security Disability Insurance, Medicare & Section 8 Housing voucher will all be cut from under me by the fascists in the Trump admin., throwing me back on the mother-fucking streets where I'll be sleeping under playground equipment in a public park. Never fucking panhandled when I was urban camping, but these fucking jerks have their hands out all the damn time.
Ever been hungry & w/o money? Give it a shot some time. You might gain some understanding.
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