Sunday, September 3, 2017

Morbid Musical Musing

One knows one is old when one realizes that by the time Steely Dan came along (1972) one's musical tastes were already well formed, if not etched in stone, & there was no room for The Dan behind the walls of judgement & taste, even 'though both band founders had several yrs. on me.

This was our first exposure (The song, not the Midnight Special appearance.): What can one say beyond "Meh?"We see the Wki lumps it under "yacht rock".

Recommended ("now doubly relevant") by Weird Dave:
F.Z. described this as the Mothers' "Steely Dan song".


Weird Dave said...

"yacht rock" ***snerk***

As Homer Simpson says, "It's funny 'cause it's true."

M. Bouffant said...

Boat Shoes Editor:
It never occurred to me to be that dismissive, but (at least this time) The Wiki was right.