Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Medals Earned (Posthumously)

SUN 27 SEP 1942
1st Battalion, 7th Marines (Lieutenant Colonel Lewis B. Puller) withdraws from Matanikau River, Guadalcanal, area in landing craft; extraction of marines is covered by gunfire from destroyer Monssen (DD-436) and SBD (VMSB ). All available Higgins boats (24 in number) are sent to extract the marines, under Signalman 1st Class Douglas A. Munro, USCG. Munro, with a volunteer crew, interposes his boat so as to draw fire away from the five boats that are embarking marines. Munro is killed, two of his three-man crew are wounded (one mortally). He succeeds in his object, but at the cost of his own life. For his heroism, Munro is awarded the Medal of Honor, posthumously.

Japanese land on Kuria, Gilberts.

U.S. freighter Stephen Hopkins engages German auxiliary cruiser Stier (Schiffe 23) and supply ship Tannenfels in a surface gunnery action in the central South Atlantic on the shipping lane between Capetown, South Africa, and Paramaribo, Dutch Guiana. Stier sinks Stephen Hopkins but the German raider sinks after having received heavy damage inflicted by the freighter's Armed Guard (Ensign Kenneth Willett, USNR) and civilian volunteer (Cadet Midshipman Edwin J. O'Hara) gunners, 28°08'S, 20°01'W. Tannenfels rescues Stier's survivors (see 27 October 1942). Ensign Willett will receive a posthumous Navy Cross.

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