Friday, June 27, 2014

Stool, Pigeon

Sez at the source that the plane landed on a "stool." Kind of a misnomer, as the stool (& maybe that is what the squids call it) is a piece of gear that is aboard for just this purpose, while ninnies like me imagined some clever dick just dragged a stool from the wardroom or wherever.

Question begged: What's the deal that the Harrier's front landing gear fails so often that these "stools" are standard equipment?


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

What's the deal that the Harrier's front landing gear fails so often that these "stools" are standard equipment?

At least they're aren't F-35s!, is probably the answer.

mikey said...

The interesting part is the micro, not the macro. One dood in the plane, one dood in the tower, everybody has to trust each other's skills and knowledge.

It's the same lesson we always learn at the nexus of team process and individual achievement.

Just. Do. Your. Job.

Weird Dave said...

Nice title.

There's no way to train for this kind of situation.

Sure there is. It's called a simulator. I hear they're pretty good theses days.