Thursday, April 26, 2012

26th APRIL, 1945

While finding the re-run posted one item below in the redesigned YouTube, we were doubly surprised to come across another & more recent ('though not by much) video. We were most surprised it was "private" (Us? Self-censoring?) but we can see why. Surprise #2 was the date in one of the shots. This date in history & all.

Not necessarily Un-SFW. If it's acceptable to show the naked corpses of emaciated Jews, &c., being heaved into piles on the tube, how can your boss bitch about it? Nonetheless:
WARNING: Documentary footage of dead, naked bodies being thrown around.
A (very) rough cut of crap found on the telly, for something we never wrapped up.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Earthday Kitty looks to be wearing some fancy knickers.


M. Bouffant said...

Atrocity Exhibition Editor:
You may have left this at the wrong
item, but he or she is one fuzzy feline.

M. Bouffant said...

Just Atrocious Editor:
Or were you trying to counteract the awful?

Weird Dave said...

So if the video is private how do I get to see it?

Oh and I believe Mr. ™³²®© was referring to the first video that comes up when clicking on your link.

M. Bouffant said...

Neglectful Editor Asks:
Are you saying it doesn't work, even if embedded? Sometimes we forget our Editor privileges.

Let's see what we can do. Should (may) be available now.

Weird Dave said...

Yeah, that worked. Aren't I'm glad I asked?

And for what it's worth, I'm pretty sure I can tell the difference.