Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Cover Aversion

From the world of coffee table books copped from the world of the graphic novel, mostly Woodwork at which to gawk,
 These two did not make the cut for the Salon version.
'though we're not sure what to make of a claim that a "happy ending" is in sight for a guy who killed himself 30+ yrs. ago:
But his personal life was a drama verging on tragedy and culminating with his suicide in 1981. Only now, three decades later, is his story heading toward a happy ending, with a burst of renewed interest in his work.
And, bitching & moaning (which we always like to hear) about covers of Kirby books.
As I designer I know there were infinite possibilities, regardless of the rights issue, beyond a choice of a photo or Kirby art. With all due respect to Geoff Grogan I am hard pressed to understand why someone would opt for an imitation of the artist the book is about. Can you imagine a book on Matisse, Picasso or Pollock, or pretty much any “fine” artist with faux art on the cover? For me it represents that a serious take on comic artists and Kirby in particular still has a long way to go.
What were they thinking?


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said... his story heading toward a happy ending, with a burst of renewed interest in his work.

If it was fun, they wouldn't call it work, he objected.

M. Bouffant said...

