Thursday, December 1, 2011

Pissing Off The Liberals, Again

We figure Tucker Carlson's TheDC is running gun reviews (as well as Top Ten Gun lists, misty-eyed tributes to retro/vintage weapons & other manly penis-related stuff) because they're desperate for money & being paid for "advertorials,"* or they're just desperate for attention & hoping that a leftist gun-hater will take the bait &, in a fit of pissed-off liberal rage, complain that TheDC dared to piss them off.

Or, as they started promptly 15 November 2011, it's just Commercial Xmas fun. Who doesn't want a gun or three under the tree? We know we sure as hell do. (Our Fifth Amendment at Work: The exact reasons we'd like a weapon or five have gone wisely unmentioned, on advice of a legal consultant.)

A blade or two would be sweet, while you're playing Santa.

Don't let them take away your knife rights either. You know how the conservative mind works. Lives in fear, but because of all the free-marketin' & rugged, socialized welfare medicine-hatin' self-reliant exceptionalism that the universities, Hollywood & Barack Obama will never be able to stop, there is an inner John Wayne/Incredible Hulk waiting to happen inside every real American:
Operating a motor vehicle is a daily occurrence for most of us. Regardless of your destination—work, favorite hunting stand, range, grocery store or to pick up the kids—statistically, the more time spent behind the wheel the greater the chance of being involved in, or coming upon, an accident. Under most circumstances the care of those involved should be left to state-certified first responders, but when faced with fire or water submersion, immediate extrication may be required to save a life. The Benchmade Emergency Response Tool (ERT-1) was designed for these situations.
Or, you might just have to cut a bitch.

*Yes, the NRA's greasy prints are obviously all over it. Work w/ us here, people.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

According to Scott, you need to get ready to take out Santa Ana, 'afore he gits you.

M. Bouffant said...

Wind Advisory Editor:

He blew through here last night, but power, trees & everything around the bunker were unaffected. But we had no hot cocoa, so a bummer all around.