Saturday, August 7, 2010

Who, Us?

Thers, Head-Typist-In-Charge of Whiskey Fire, has (not knowing any better, & you'd think, what w/ having offspring & all, he would) "left us the keys" to his establishment as he vacates for a wk.

This couldn't come at a worse time for us, as we misplaced our mojo somewhere, & haven't been as inspired in our railing against the forces of repression lately. Just as well, we'll cool it there w/ the death-threats we've been reduced to making here.

And spare us the crap about "upping our game." This is not a game, it's serious. Like cancer.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Yeah, you!

I was suggesting Zardozing Thers, but we have that project underway over at BBBB's haus.

J— said...

Congratulations, M. Bouffant, but I must say, "Give us those keys!"

M. Bouffant said...

Our Editor, Too Dedicated Ever To Take A Vacation:

Meaning: "Don't take the blog, you'll kill yourself!!"?

J— said...

I don't know what it means, but I said it to mikey and lawnguylander, so I'll say it to you.

Have fun with the guessed web logging.