Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Threat From Andrew Sullivan Is Returned: Get a Real Fucking Job & Work Until You're 75, You Fat Pig!!

Quite the uptick in assholery today.
But the retirement age has in no way caught up with life expectancy in America. I agree that Medicare is the more urgent target. I just don't see why we can't cut Medicare and raise the retirement age, as well as reduce the more utopian elements of the Bush-Cheney extension of empire in Iraq and Afghanistan.
We would love to see Fat-Boy Sullivan do a physically demanding job (Instead of sitting around typing & bullshiting about spending & deficits, maybe he could shovel shit in Iraq for the next 25 yrs.) all day & all night & all afternoon from now 'til he's oh, let's say 75. Get to work, lard-ass.

Our editorial staff's Medicare has already been fucked w/. This is not your imagination. Hope Andy has a lot of "investments" that'll keep his anti-AIDS medication going after he's too old to work. (Not true: We hope he gets death-paneleda nice big Medicare cut just when he needs it the most. Preferably on the basis that he's a dirty foreign queer who is of no use to anyone & his medications are awfully expensive. That seems to be the Christian conservative approach, hope he doesn't expect to be treated any differently 'cause he was an apologist for their bullshit.)

UPDATE: Let's throw Matthew Yglesias (the instigator) off a cliff while we're at it:
What’s more, if we’re going to cut spending on retirement programs then such cuts should be broadly shared and not exclusively inflicted on younger people.
These people are becoming more & more irksome. Tell Yglesias what: Once he's paid more into the SS system than we have, he can express his opinion. In the meantime, Matthew can start an IRA.


Substance McGravitas said...

Good luck, health editor.

M. Bouffant said...

Mental Editor, Not Worried, Figures:

If they take us alive, it's three hots & cot for life. Probably medication for life too.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Howsabout no cutting of ANYTHING before 50% of the military budget cut?