Sunday, April 18, 2010

White Trash & Jumper Cables

White supremacists, demonstrators square off in LA

As the rally ended, counter-protesters hurled rocks, branches and other items over the police line and into a parking lot where the white supremacists had left their cars.

Some members of the group had trouble starting a black Ford Mustang and attempted to hook up jumper cables to their engine. They protected themselves from the flying debris by holding up swastika-emblazoned shields.
The white supremacists eventually gave up and pushed their car away so they could jump-start it out of range of the projectiles.
That American iron may not have held up too well driving out from Detroit, huh Cletus?

Read more.


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Those assholes give us shavepates a bad name.

We hates them, we does!

Substance McGravitas said...

“We will meet you head on,” one of the white supremacists, whose name could not be made out over the fuzzy public address system, warned the crowd from behind several phalanxes of police in riot gear.

Well done failed-getaway-car dudes.

Captcha says falitia.

M. Bouffant said...

Hair Ed. Notes:

We shaved the pate once, & have not had dandruff in the almost 42 yrs. since it grew back. Nor did we get any more demands from the fascist parental units to have it cut again. Win-win.

Are you an MPB victim, or just a too-lazy-to-wash-it bastard?

Fail-itia! Guess these fools won't be successfully robbing armored cars, like "The Order" did.