Friday, April 16, 2010

Stop Being Black &/Or Liberal! You're Pissing Andy Off, & Now He's Going Back Down To The Basement To Drown His Sorrows & Tweet His Anger

This Wk. in Euphemism:
They were helped by a free-moving, peaceful crowd, in which it was easy to get to the very front of the stage.
In plain English, does Weigel mean the event was less than wall-to-wall w/ peaceful patriots?
And Benjy Sarlin located some more liberal crashers, capturing an exchange between them and irritated tea partyers [sic].
Some of the infiltrators were just apolitical jokers -- even if their humor was lost on the participants. A group of students from American University belonging to a club that mocks mass protests brandished signs reading “I Have A Sign,” “Down With King George,” and “No $ 4 Education I Don’t Want It.” The group was chased across the protest by a screaming, red-faced tea partier in a denim jacket who identified himself only as “Spider.”

“They’re interlopers!” Spider shrieked as the nervous youngsters tried to make their way to a police officer. “These people are not the tea party!”

After being pushed to the outskirts of the protests, the phony demonstrators told The Daily Beast they were terrified of Spider, who, they said, threatened to “kick their ass.”
The Daily Beast sub-head: "lefty troublemakers also infiltrated the march with political theater—pretending to fit in but propagating more extreme positions."

"Lefty" troublemakers? Those certainly were vicious, hateful signs, & worthy of every red-faced shriek, we're sure. Breitbart's really been pushing the "Your very existence fills us w/ righteous anger" approach.
How does "fishing-for-racism" work? Well, you need a pole, & for bait you'll need someone of the non-white persuasion to attract the racism. It's that simple. Living While Black is all that's necessary go racist-fishing. Not that the fish you're going to reel in are actually racist: After all, someone was walking around being Other right there in front of them, w/ his pole & everything.

As we've heard from various reactionary, pro-personal responsibility Congress members & so on, anger justifies everything. The passage (shoving/ramming down the throat) of a law angers people who express this by throwing bricks through windows; their anger justifies this. Hey, nobody likes the IRS; nothing, then, to crash a plane into a building & kill someone. So when these liberals & African-Americans go around being liberal &/or unwhite, Teabagger anger against liberal negritude is righteous & justified. Because being black/liberal/non-teabag is an affront to something & can not be allowed to stand.

And now not-racist Andrew Breitbart does some projecting w/ David Weigel:
"They needed it so badly," said Breitbart, "they wanted it so badly, that when they didn't get it they doubled down on their idiocy. It's not unlike the ACORN situation. They kept doubling down on their idiocy."
(See Breitbart's Twits for tripling down on idiocy.)
I asked whether Breitbart thought there was any racism at all in the movement, as I'd seen him confront Joseph Farah of WorldNetDaily over the Internet journalist's conspiracy theories about Barack Obama's citizenship.

"If I felt that there was a strain of racism that was moving this in one way or the other, I would not put myself within a city mile of it," said Breitbart. "My career could not afford it. My self-respect, my sense of who I am, could not afford it. The people who come up to me who are black, who are Hispanic and hug me because me they know I'm fighting their fight, that it's the black, the Hispanic, the gay conservative that are attacked for the left for being sell-outs. It's a similar form of Alinsky. It's a similar form of critical theory on steroids."
Breitbart may not "feel" (a crime he so often accuses the left of, as any good projectionist should) there's a strain of racism in this movement, those caught in reason's web of evil might draw different conclusions. Feel the racism, Andy:
Tea Party supporters’ fierce animosity toward Washington, and the president in particular, is rooted in deep pessimism about the direction of the country and the conviction that the policies of the Obama administration are disproportionately directed at helping the poor rather than the middle class or the rich.

The overwhelming majority of supporters say Mr. Obama does not share the values most Americans live by and that he does not understand the problems of people like themselves. More than half say the policies of the administration favor the poor, and 25 percent think that the administration favors blacks over whites — compared with 11 percent of the general public.

They are more likely than the general public, and Republicans, to say that too much has been made of the problems facing black people.
Note to Andy: Spitting & epithet-shouting, & their siblings, hood-wearing & cross-burning, ugly as they are, are not the real problems w/ or of racism. Or is that some sort of "critical theory on steroids?"

Andy loves the superficial though, even as he wants to be perceived as deep, so we can't expect anything to get past his defenses: "My career could not afford it. My self-respect, my sense of who I am, could not afford it."

Again, check his Twits. If that's self-respect & a career, we're glad we have neither.

Randomly-related filler:


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Andy Breitbart serves the interests of rich, white plutocrats.

And that's the only reason he isn't trying to eak out a living just as the teabaggers he exploits.

Another Kiwi said...

Andy has a streak of anger as wide as the Atlantic. I feel that it is deeply rooted in his, completely justified, insecurity. Possibly he knows that he should not be a racist right wing bozo, but he is too weak to resist the siren call of his own voice and the sweet sting of peeing himself.
Or maybe he is just damaged, I dunno, too much acid at some stage?

M. Bouffant said...

Pop Psych Ed. Theorizes:

If Andy sought & received treatment for all his "issues" it would probably bankrupt the health care system. What's stopping him?

But on an absolutely serious note, he was adopted, & that often can lead to less than ideal outcomes. We completely empathize, even as we poke him w/ a sharpened stick & marvel that he does make a living at this.