Thursday, April 15, 2010

Historical Perspective On "Overwhelming Historical Myopia"

Clio, the Muse of History, stands in a winged chariot representing the passage of time and records events as they occur. The car rests on a marble globe on which signs of the Zodiac are carved in relief. The chariot wheel is the face of the clock; its works are by Simon Willard. Carlo Franzoni Marble 1819 National Statuary Hall (Ha, the gummint paid for this faggy art crap, T.P.ers!)
Good one at Whiskey Fire. Led to this. Tea Bagging assholes
[a]s the Times’s new poll numbers amply confirm — especially the ones establishing that the Tea Partiers are overwhelming Republican or right-of-Republican — [...] are the same angry, ill-informed, overwhelmingly white, crypto-corporate paranoiacs that accompany every ascendancy of liberalism within U.S. government.

“When was the last time you saw such a spontaneous eruption of conservative grass-roots anger, coast to coast?” asked the professional conservative L. Brent Bozell III recently. The answer, of course, is: in 1993. And 1977. And 1961. And so on.


The same “spontaneous eruption” of folks never before engaged in politics. (“I just don’t have time for anything,” a housewife told a news magazine. “I’m fighting Communism three nights a week.”) The same blithely narcissistic presumption that the vast majority of Americans (or, at least, “ordinary Americans”) must already agree with them, and incredulity that anyone might not grasp the depth of the peril.
We're breathing a bit easier already.

There's more, all good (this is just from the first contributor, as usual we haven't gotten to the rest) but The NYT needs the clicks, & copying the whole thing would be a pain.

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