Thursday, May 29, 2008

More Puffy McMoonface*

Noticed that all the rabid weasels have only attacked Puffy, mostly by saying "That's not the Scott McClellan I know." Yeah, you don't recognize any one who tells the truth, do you? Best line was from the squinty-eyed Mary MagdaleneMatalin, who said (we paraphrase here, but we heard it in her own words on the radio) "Either he was lying then or he's lying now." Let's think about it, Mary. Then, he was employed to lie by & for the Bush administration, now, he's under his own control. So really, which is it? Michael Kinsley brings a touch of humour to the affair. *Juvenile insulting name courtesy The Sephanie Miller Show, wkdys. 0600-0900 PT.

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