Does any of this sound familiar?
Our editorial point of view is guided by our support of the U.S. Constitution and the principles upon which our Constitution is based. Specifically, we want to restore and retain the values and vision that made America great — limited government under the Constitution, the freedoms our Constitution guarantees, and the personal responsibility a free people must exercise to stay free. In the area of foreign policy, our editorial point of view is based on avoiding foreign entanglements and going to war only when necessary to defend our country and citizens.If you answered "Ron Paul," you are correct.
We remember (when we were a tiny web log, in the '60s) being told by a right-winger (our mother, if you must know) that America should stop worrying about Nazis & worry about the commies. However, junior fascists are still running everything, & the godless monolith of International Communism doesn't seem to be doing too well of late. Perhaps the Birchers need to stop focusing so much on commies, especially if this article is any indication of their current concerns.
Evidence for the existence of an ongoing Soviet/Russian strategic plan to foment and use Islamic extremism is very extensive and goes far to explain the inordinate hatred of Muslim fundamentalists for America and the West. Not only is al-Qaeda aligned with the Kremlin (see the article "Behind Islamic Terror"), so are the other major “Islamist” terror groups including PLO/al-Fatah, Hamas, and Hezbollah (see "Who's Who In Terrorism" below). Of course, none of those groups would amount to much if not for the immense assistance they receive from Iran and Syria, regimes that were primary client-state terror sponsors for the Soviets and continue in that role for Russia under Putin.That's right, "they hate us" because the Soviets & the Russians are, um, well, because, uh, well, al-Qaeda & the Kremlin, & uh, Chechnya, also...
Putin continues to build Iran’s nuclear program and upgrade its long-range missile program, not to mention provide Ahmadinejad’s regime with all of the conventional weapons that Tehran and its surrogate terrorists can use.Which "nukulur" program was that? The one Iran gave up three or four yrs. ago? Oh, right, the CIA's just a bunch of Ivy League elitists in cahoots w/ the CFR & the Trilateral Commission to sell us out to David Rockefeller. No doubt the reality is that Iran's mere months away from launching. Weeks, maybe.
Why stop w/ the middlemen indeed? Is this paranoid going Kristol one step better by suggesting that we turn Russia into a sheet of glass? Seriously, Jasper, what are we to do about this problem that doesn't exist? Talk tough to Bush's pal Putin, the man w/ the visible soul? We're confused. And probably screwed, if any of these paranoid ramblings have a connection to reality.Do the jihadists hate America more than the non-Muslim communist states because we are uniquely decadent? It is true that Western post-Christian culture, especially as seen in popular fashions and through Hollywood’s ubiquitous and depraved lens, is offensive to devout Muslims (as it is to devout Christians).
[T]he leaders of Hamas, Hezbollah, al-Qaeda, al-Fatah, and other “Islamic fundamentalists,” not only ignore the transgressions of their infidel sponsors in Russia and China and the cries of their persecuted Muslim brothers, but they regularly break bread with and publicly support the atheist persecutors of Islam.
We in the Christian West should not kid ourselves — as certain “liberals” would have us do — into accepting the false proposition that Islam is perfectly compatible with our social-political system. It is not (see article "Religion By The Sword"). And we must not succumb to their arguments that we should accept new waves of Muslim immigrants. But neither should we allow ourselves to be further dragged into a military “clash of civilizations” (as we already are in Iraq and Afghanistan) by “Muslim” front men for our so-called allies in Moscow and Beijing.
Weekly Standard editor William Kristol declared in a July 21, 2006 article, “Radical Islam Takes On Democracy,” that “our focus should be less on Hamas and Hezbollah, and more on their paymasters and real commanders — Syria and Iran.”
But why stop with the middlemen? The real paymasters and commanders aren’t in Damascus and Tehran; they’re in Moscow and Beijing, as they have been for decades. These paymasters and commanders are also patient strategists. They will not try to engage us in head-on military conflict when they can more easily wear us down by leading us into many “quagmire” conflicts with their surrogates.
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