Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Now We Know What She's Been Trying To Do All These Yrs.:
Stop Sympathetic Suicide Stories

La Althouse (Don't! All necessary info.):
4. The man's Facebook page shows that he regarded his interests as "being mean" and "making fun of people." Does that make you less likely to scold me for being mean and making fun of him? I am making fun of him, but I deny that I'm being mean. This post is part of my ongoing effort to deter people from committing suicide. I believe stories about suicide are full of the kind of sympathy that creates a romantic aura around suicide. I want to give suicide the kind of awful image that will make [it] less easy to embrace than facing up to your problems in the material world.
Stop creating those auras, lamestream media. Face up to your problems, people, & your problems are solved!
2. A construction worker who witnessed the fall has opined that the man survived not because he landed on a red 2008 Dodge Charger, but because the car contained a set of rosary beads.

3. He landed feet first, "twisted like a pretzel," in the backseat of the car. The car seat! That, not God, accounts for the soft landing ...
One must admire someone who can deny God's rosary but has such faith in tough love & facing up to one's problems (Is this different than "facing down to" one's problems, whatever the hell that might be?) as immediate cure-alls. Is Dr. Laura's syndicator in the market for a replacement scold?


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