Wednesday, July 7, 2010

America: You're Especially,
Exceptionally Retarded!

Pretty graphics telling an ugly story.
How much longer will you fucking sheep take it?
Right until you're dead, if you're anything like the rest of them, & of course you are!
Seriously, you whipped dogs, will even your corporate & political masters literally rubbing your noses in their shit wake you up?

We keep removing your blinders, & you insist on putting them back on. When you're at the glue factory & the blinders come off for the last time, it'll be too damn late. Happy rendering, suckers!


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...


Yeah, those numbers tell a pretty pathetic story. I bet the rubes would blame it all on Messicans and SEIU/ACORN "thugs".

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Glenn Beck isn't shy about ripping off his followers with Goldline, "Beck U.", etc.

I'd bet he laughs at them when not behind a microphone.

Hamish Mack said...

Hah! Stupid graphs! I'm more of an imbecile than my Dad was!! So there!!!

M. Bouffant said...

Imbecile Editor Suggests:

See figs. 4 & 5. The party's over.

Beck is probably crying (all the way to the bank) about having to cheat his fans just to make ends meet. "It's just not fair," he whimpers, "TO THEM!"

Jazzbumpa said...

Hey M -

Where did you get the charts and/or data. Very im/depressive.

I made a long-winded post on a similar topic, and Suze sent me your way.

Keep rattling the pots and pans.


Jazzbumpa said...

Oh - I see. It's that high tech text-link thingie at the top of the post.

Never mind.


M. Bouffant said...

Crummy Design Editor Admits:

Our fault, we need a more visible link color.

Jazzbumpa said...

It;s great information. I linked to this post and the Mobility Project Report.


Wow - are we screwed, or what?