Thursday, January 7, 2010

War Of Northern Aggression Between The States

As noticed by Green Eagle, Chuck Baldwin of Renew You-Know-Who wants to share the love:

Praise for Lee and Jackson

Shorter: As "Generals Month" rolls around again, remember: Racists Lincoln & Grant weren't shit compared to "Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. Jackson [who] were two of the finest Christian gentlemen this country has ever produced. Both their character and their conduct were beyond reproach" also Stonewall was the greatest military genius EVAH & if his own troops hadn't killed him he would have won Gettysburg & there wouldn't be a nig-ruh in the White House shoveling dirt on the Constitution, which has been dead to me since 1865. Secession1!'leventy1!!11

"Furthermore, it is well established that Jackson regularly conducted a Sunday School class for black children. This was a ministry he took very seriously. As a result, he was dearly loved and appreciated by the children and their parents."

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