Thursday, May 14, 2009

Down On The Corner, Out On The Sreet

The Ancient Republic has kindly compiled a pile of poo-links from the crowd at The Corner, who are engaged in furious keyboard debate over Rush Limbaugh's popularity, or lack thereof.
What happened next was more interesting, however, as it suggests that a certain degree of disingenuousness (or delusion) is now mandatory for anyone who hopes to remain a "conservative" in good standing. Taylor, a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute, allowed that he was not a fan of either Limbaugh or Sean Hannity, and questioned, quite reasonably, whether "either of these guys actually convince anyone (elitist or not) outside of the choir? Limbaugh’s popularity numbers suggest not."
Alas, no Jonah Goldberg, but plenty of K-Lo, Mark Steyn & also Rich "Starbursts" Lowry, also.
And that's where things seem to stand at the moment. I encourage anyone with the time and interest to follow the links, as there was far too much to quote directly.

1 comment:

Righteous Bubba said...

Thanks. I'll follow.