Friday, March 20, 2009

Can You Wait Until 2012? We Can't!!

Via Sully's Daily Dish, an Alaskan web log proprietor types:
The most controversial chunk of change left on the table was $170 million for education that has both lawmakers and education professionals stunned.
Part of an e-mail allegedly rec'd. by the proprietor, Andrew Halcro, from a "legislative leader" (No doubt a Dem!):
The issue became a big tug of war for control of the Gov between folks in state government and Sara PAC. Sara PAC won, literally hours before the announcement was made. Alaska was sacrificed again to the godless pagan illusions of her national ambitions.
There might just have been some special education money for little TwigTrig in the refused monies. TwigTrig being the child sweet Sarah decided to have even though she was too damn old to chance it, & then decided to use him as a prop for the rest of her losing vice-presidential campaign. Now, he can spend his life under inadequate gov't. care, since Mom is ready to throw him under the short bus to further her aspirations.
“I was shocked to learn of the comment made by President Obama about Special Olympics,” Palin said in a statement. “This was a degrading remark about our world’s most precious and unique people, coming from the most powerful position in the world."
Meanwhile, Palin has come under fire this week for refusing stimulus money slated to help special needs education programs. Her stance on funding for such programs as governor led to attacks during the campaign as well.
Can not wait until she & amateur exorcist Bobby J are clawing at each other in the primaries. (Assuming there's anything left over which to claw.)

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