Sunday, December 29, 2024

Gaza Gentrification Up-Date

A glimpse of America's Trumpville future as landlords & other rent-seeking parasites take over, the economy tanks
& no one has a job, money or a place to live. And the sheep will say, "At least I'm better off than those dirty Palestinians." 

Wishing all of you all the best in the new yr.!


Riverboat Grambler said...

How ghoulish and arrogant to compare the situation of a person in the United States enduring another Trump admin to the situation of a Palestinian in Gaza. You will never know even a fraction of the horror and hardship they face even if Trump decides to move the Oval Office into your living room for the rest of his term. Furthermore, the holocaust being carried out on the Palestinians is fully funded, supported and covered for by your current Dem president, or at least whoever is really running the country while Biden struggles to remember where he is today.


M. Bouffant said...

Oh bite my ass. Everything is relative, & you have no idea how awful things will get in the United Snakes. And do let me know who's "really running the country" after Trump is inaugurated. Who do you think it is now?