Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Winding It Down: Will The Last To Leave Pls. Turn Out The Lights?

Decivilization May Already Be Under Way

The brazen murder of a CEO in Midtown Manhattan—and the cheering reaction to his execution—amounts to a blinking-and-blaring warning signal for a society that has become already too inured to bloodshed.

By Adrienne LaFrance
Gawdamighty, stop the fucking hand-wringing you cretin. Homo sapiens is a vicious killer species, & this particular nation is psychotic enough to allow any killer ape to have & use battlefield weapons, while allowing capitalism & its handmaiden, greed (Or is that the other way around?) to murder anyone who hasn't the money to pay for medical care & drugs. This society has never been "civilized". Anyone who believes it ever was is either an ignorant moron or yet another two-bit, two-faced hypocrite. How'd you get a job typing for a once-prestigious rag like The Atlantic

I certainly haven't been civil to anyone in about 10 yrs., & why the fucking hell should I be civil to morons, hypocrites & stupid apes?

[Behind a paywall, in thrall to their advertisers & their readership.]


Al said...

"inured to bloodshed"? Amerika was built on eternal war fueled by rivers of human blood. If you gaze into the basement of the White House you will see millions of cadavers and bleached bones of the millions of native people and black slaves that were slaughtered in order to build this nation of butchers.

M. Bouffant said...
