Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Yesterday's Police Terror Situation

This reporter was advised by someone wearing an LAPD jacket that someone in the St. Charles Ap'ts. had been shooting at the street. I have to wonder about that, as the back of the St. Charles was unguarded & not behind police tape, 'though the ossifer did indicate they were taking the alleged shooter into custody.
I'll have to assume the alleged shooter was a bad shot & no one was hit, let alone killed, as I found no mention of this detour-causing event anywhere. Nonetheless, many public servants were involved.
And your tax dollars.
All the unmarked cars are police vehices, & there were about eight new unmarked police SUVs parked to the left of this crummy pan.
Should've bought a better camera. Fuck you, SONY. Y'all used to be something.
This one is at least auto-focused, after several attempts.
The mural on the right wing of the St. Charles has been there since well before the pandemic, & is/was for some Chinese HBO thing that went nowhere. The left wing had the people shooting the arrows at the ones on the right, but apparently they can't sell the right side. Other fascinating facts? My last friend & sexual associate's late brother lived there, & I helped her clean out his studio after his untimely death.
A good 45 mins. later, post-shopping, the corner was still taped off.

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