Sunday, December 26, 2021

Mortality & Morbidity Reports: Surprise, Surprise They're Lying

Uncounted: Inaccurate death certificates across the country hide the true toll of COVID-19

Some counties, like Cape Girardeau, have seen a spike in deaths that aren’t attributed to COVID-19. Many of them, blamed on natural causes, are likely from the coronavirus

No, really? A million dead real Americans probably isn't an overestimation. Thanks, Trump.

This reporter's conclusion? No one has the slightest idea what's going on, & the health care system in these United Snakes is headed for collapse, plague or no. Happy New Yr.!

1 comment:

Jimmy T said...

Worldwide it could be as many as 21 million per The Economist, which is more deaths in two years of plaque as the number of deaths in four years of WWI...

Another good source...