Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Trump The Tee Vee 'Tard

Respecting the White House:
If 2020 doesn't work out for President Trump, the next commander-in-chief may want [sic] keep him in the White House as a tour guide.

With an atypical yet "gregarious and charming" demeanor, the president spices up history-laden White House tours with some very colorful commentary that noticeably "acknowledge[s] his reputation as a television addict," former Trump staffer Cliff Sims details in his forthcoming book Team of Vipers.

Trump's first tour stop for "senators, New York friends, or other guests" is the Oval Office, quickly followed by a step through a side door, The Washington Post details from an advance copy of the book. That's where Trump frequently verges off into "lengthy, sometimes crass conversations" about former President Bill Clinton and ex-White House intern Monica Lewinsky, the Post confirms. Next up is the Lincoln Bedroom, where Trump has questioned how former President Abraham Lincoln slept on such a short bed. "He was a really tall guy!," a tour attendee recalled Trump saying.

But the highlight of the trip is a private dining room, where Trump reportedly suggests former President Barack Obama "watched basketball all day," the Post writes. Trump also claimed there was a hole in the room's wall when he took over the White House — all of which a former Obama staffer denies. As the tour continues, Trump "brags about how many television sets there are in the West Wing," the Post writes. He also touts what he calls a "Super TiVo" channel-switching system made just for him, Sims' book and White House aides say.

Read more about Trump's TV tour at The Washington Post. Kathryn Krawczyk

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