U.S. Army Study: "Real Americans" Are The Greatest Danger To This Great Nation Of Ours
Lazy Bible Belt bums take our blue-state tax money & spend it all at Mickey D's®
or on MoonPies® & R.C.®!
Oh man, this is even better than I'd hoped; they really rake the crackers over the fucking coals!Military.com 16 Jan 2018 By Richard SiskArmy recruits from 10 Southern states are the most unfit and prone to injury in training compared to other regions of the country, according to a new study.
The study finds that recruits from Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas* "are significantly less fit, and consequently are more likely to encounter training-related injuries [TRI] than recruits from other U.S. states."
Although the South is the top recruiting region, the study, based on U.S. Army data, shows that "male and female soldiers coming from these states are 22 to 28 percent more likely to be injured" in training.
There's no mention of the comparative mental abilities of the benighted residents of these Southern shitholes, but you can imagine. (As noted above, the South is the top recruiting region ... A confederacy of dunces!) How many of the excess of training accidents these down-home droolers are involved in are directly attributable to their sheer inane stupidity & ignorance, above & beyond their physical problems?"It is our hope that the states identified through this analysis, along with federal entities, work to establish policies and environments proven to support physically active lifestyles," Bornstein said in a statement.
"If such actions were taken, physical fitness levels among residents of these states would rise and each state's disproportionate burden on military readiness and public health could be minimized," he said.
The report says, "Many states in the southern region of the United States are recognized for higher rates of obesity, physical inactivity, and chronic disease. These states are therefore recognized for their disproportionate public health burden."
In addition, the 10 Southern states "are also disproportionately burdensome for military readiness and national security," the report states.
The study notes the presence of "high physical inactivity and obesity prevalence" in the South, and says "physical inactivity and obesity are well recognized among the most critical public health challenges of the 21st century." [Who are these people, Michelle Obama? — M.B.]
The study warns that the overall recruiting pool for the military is dwindling and cites estimates that 27 percent of Americans aged 17-24 are too overweight to qualify for military service, "with obesity being the second-highest disqualifying medical condition between 2010 and 2014."
In comments to the Citadel on the study, retired Army Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling said the findings provide "critical insight into the real national security issues posed by recruits who are less physically fit and less prepared for military service than they have ever been in our history."
"I know firsthand the challenges faced in addressing the fitness levels of our youth after having served as commander of all U.S. Army basic training units," said Hertling, now a CNN analyst.
"While commanding in combat, I saw the effect training-related injuries had on mission accomplishment," and "in basic training, the number of unfit recruits forced changes to our physical training procedures and dining menus," he said.
*Inquiring minds: Does this mean Virginia is officially out of the Confederacy?
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