Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Worst State In The Nation?

Today it's Iowa, the Hawkeye State, one of whose elected representatives would like to dumb Iowans even further down.
Pat Rynard / Iowa Starting Line:
Senator Mark Chelgren Aims To Purge Democrats From Iowa Universities  —  The party affiliation on your voter registration card could block you from employment at Iowa's state universities were a newly proposed bill by Senator Mark Chelgren to become law.  Senate File 288, proposed …
Next, a proposal to ban "liberal" Jooos from academe? And we can't have no Catholics teaching our Protestant evangelical children now, can we? No women perfessin' neither, they should be at home cleanin' up after the children.

The mental & moral rot is not limited to state senators. Iowa's two Republican U.S. Senators were both busily ignoring or fleeing their constituents earlier today.

May I remind you that the two drooling idiots Iowans elected to the Senate have the same power in the Senate as Califonia's two Senators, who represent 10 times as many humanoids, many of them elitists who can read, write &
do simple arithmetic w/o using their fingers.


Quincunx said...

Morans who don't believe in scientificating but who make decisions about nuclear shit. What could go wrong?

Weird Dave said...

Morans who don't believe in scientificating but who make decisions about nuclear shit. What could go wrong?

A feature, not a bug.