Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Awards Season Re-Cap & Brush-Off

You bet your ass I've better things on which to waste what little money, energy & interest I have & what little time remains to me on attendance & consumption at the mainstream cinema, so I've no idea what's been playing since, oh ... 1987, maybe. As far as this yr.'s load of nominations, Oscar®™© Night has always seemed like a good time for spring cleaning.

Also: Who gives a fucking shit? (Not Americans.)
Hollywood Reporter: Oscars Poll: 60 Percent of Americans Can't Name One Best Picture Nominee
Continuing the "crop of cinematic crap" theme, a partial list of nominations from the only awards that matter, The Golden Raspberries:
Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party

Dinesh D’Souza [as Himself] / Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party

Becky Turner / Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party

Dinesh D’Souza and Bruce Schooley / Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party

Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party


Weird Dave said...

Ah, Bob Hope.

I saw him once. (That was actually a pretty good show. Benny Goodman was there too.)

M. Bouffant said...

Impressed Editor:
Dang, how old are you?

Weird Dave said...

Not As Old As You Reporter:

The Harvest Moon Ball, Madison Square Garden, New Your City '71 or '72

Grandma took me. Thanks Nana.

A Bob Hope joke from forty-five fricken years ago (as best as I can remember):

Pointing to the Goodman quintet, "These guys must be really poor. Before the show I saw them sharing the same cigarette."

I think I was the only one in the whole place that laughed.