Monday, June 2, 2014

Which Reminds Us ...

Election tomorrow, still haven't completed the mail-in ballot (As gawd is my witness, one yr. I shall finish & mail my ballot in time, rather than procrastinating & then dropping it off at the polling place as I have every election since I became a permanent voter-by-mail.) because there are a grim mess of judicial candidates, most of whom seem to be fascist oafs whose greatest achievements are serving as "gang" prosecutors* & who now want to bring their even-handed & entirely fair prejudices to the bench, where donations from the prison guards union & private prison industry will assure the pipeline of poor people to prisons will continue unabated.

So one finds oneself here, & then must decide which axes the County Bar Assoc. grinds. And what if (p. 8, Office No. 48) neither candidate is considered qualified?

Justice is served!

*You've never seen a greater collection of self-styled hard-asses:
"Sex Crimes Prosecutor, Child Molestation Prosecutor, Gang Homicide Prosecutor (5), Criminal Gang Prosecutor (2), Criminal Prosecutor (2), Supervising Criminal Prosecutor, Criminal Homicide Prosecutor, Sexual Predator Prosecutor, Violent Crimes Prosecutor, Gang Murder Prosecutor, Major Narcotics Prosecutor, Government Corruption Prosecutor," & "Los Angeles Prosecutor." Fascists, every one!

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