Thursday, February 7, 2013


Deep thoughts from someone who wouldn't call herself an activist. Really, she wouldn't.
Trotter herself seems surprised by all the attention. “I would not call myself a political activist,” she tells The Daily Beast. “I’m just very interested in our liberties under the Constitution.”
Trotter being the anti-feminist who told a Congressional hearing that she wants a scary-looking gun w/ which to defend her "babies."
Trotter speaks to committee. At right, Wayne LaPierre.
The 41-year-old is a mother of six and a partner in the law firm she and her father built. She has written for a few blogs, including the now defunct Christian-themed Evangel. She’s a senior fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum, a nonprofit research group whose mission is to “expand the conservative coalition.”
Whenever we at Just Another Blog (From L.A.)™ hear the phrase "nonprofit research group" we reach for our revolvers. Same deal when we see this much boiler-plate strung together.
She also defended her testimony further in an email, writing, “I am an unapologetically liberty-loving, tyranny-hating, red-blooded, patriotic American woman, a lawyer who is proud to say that the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are the founding charters of freedom and that government of the people, for the people and by the people is here to stay.”
That is senior fellow-worthy blah blah yada yada if we've ever read any. And what exactly does redbloodedness have to do w/, well, anything, really? Are green-blooded, patriotic American woman not as patriotic as the red-blooded variety?


mikey said...

Americans don't need to advocate violence to be patriotic and choosing an appropriate weapon with which to defend one's home requires some intelligence and less simple reactionary politics.

But this is just stupidity masquerading as...Actually, I'm not sure what...

Weird Dave said...

Weird Dave said...

OK, something slightly more intelligent.

If you absolutely insist on having a firearm to defend your castle I would like to recommend a shotgun:

It's hard to miss with one, if you do miss you won't kill some kid sleeping three houses down, and, best of all, the iconic sound of charging the pump should be enough to send the bad guys running. Without firing a shot (read your Sun Tzu).

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Los Angeles officers fired on a blue pickup truck in Torrance, injuring two people, as they guarded a target named in Dorner's online manifesto. Minutes later, Torrance officers crashed into a black Honda pickup and fired at the truck, but did not hit the driver. Police later said both shootings were cases of mistaken identity as officers searched for Dornor.

Watch yerself, M.B.

Unknown said...

Whenever we at Just Another Blog (From L.A.)™ hear the phrase "nonprofit research group" we reach for our revolvers. Me too. Especially when it involves rightwing extremists groups and people like that fuckwit Trotter.

Unknown said...

Thunder gives you good advice I see as the LAPD are obviously scared shitless right now and shooting at anything or anyone so they can kill the ex-cop and deny him a trial.

Glennis said...

“I would not call myself a political activist,” she tells The Daily Beast. “I’m just very interested in our liberties under the Constitution.”

Oh, and a Senior Fellow at a wingnut welfare think tank.


I think the liberties she's taking mostly is with the truth.