Saturday, November 17, 2012

Not To Worry, However, You'll Still Be Under Observation

A city of 23.1 square miles (60 km2) & 137,000 or so mostly snooty people w/ money needs six flying pigmobiles, it appears.

At least they share.
The Pasadena Police Department still has four flight-worthy helicopters, and the two grounded helicopters will not affect police helicopter service to Pasadena police, or any of the neighboring law enforcement agencies who also make use of Pasadena’s police helicopters.


Weird Dave said...

Do they ever fly around playing Wagner real loud?

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Did somebody say peegs?

Unknown said...

We are always under observation.We are after all, a militarized society, as you so aptly put as one of your subject matter topics Mr. B.

mikey said...

One word.


Every problem has a solution...

mikey said...

Mr. Pink: You kill anybody?
Mr. White: A few cops.
Mr. Pink: No real people?
Mr. White: Just cops.

Weird Dave said...

Man-portable air-defense systems (MANPADS or MPADS)...

(make me look that up) I'll take two.

We are always under observation.We are after all, a militarized society...

Yes, and yes.

As far as under observation goes, do you have a cell phone, surf the internet, and use a credit/debit card? Good, 'cause I can know whatever I want about you.

(I am pretty sure that most of you are smart enough and/or paranoid enough to know that.)

Unknown said...

Yes and Yes Dave. I have shut down the GPS on my smartphone. Does that keep them from tracking me?

mikey said...

Not at all - in fact it is mostly NOT the way they track you. As long as your phone is turned on, it is constantly querying the local cell towers - that's how it knows how many "bars" to display. Your carrier knows where you are within approximately 100 feet unless your phone is turned off. Some people even take the battery out because there is some uncertainty what the phone might be doing even when it is not "turned on"...

Substance McGravitas said...

As long as you're not a little old lady from Pasadena you have nothing to fear.